A law & policy firm dedicated to helping rural America take on corporate power
The consolidation and abuse of economic power by monopolistic corporations is at the root of rural America’s distress.
We represent family farmers, small businesses, local governments, and organizations working on their behalf in regulatory advocacy and impact litigation aimed at righting the wrongs of concentrated corporate power in rural communities.
What We Do
We help our clients inform policymakers to shape state & federal regulations.
Too often, state and federal policymakers shape rural America’s future without hearing from rural voices—or worse, after hearing only from corporate lobbyists who wrap themselves in rural America’s flag for their own ends. We help our clients change that.
We develop cutting-edge litigation strategies to change industries & hold monopolists accountable.
We investigate and develop antitrust and unfair trade practice lawsuits on behalf of farmers and ranchers, small business owners, local governments, and consumers — building cases with the goal of securing both monetary compensation and systemic change in industries important to rural communities.
We serve as policy counsel to advocacy groups & political campaigns.
We pair our expertise in antitrust law and trade regulation with our ability to deeply investigate business realities to help advocacy groups and political campaigns connect the dots between concentrated economic power and the issues they care about most — and then create policy positions to match.
What People Are Saying About Us
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